Plot Holes and Plot Bunnies

What is a plot hole and how to avoid them…

By definition a plot hole is an inconsistency in the narrative or character development of a book, film, television show, etc.

Plot holes are often created unintentionally, often as a result of a writer forgetting to resolve an event/statement previously introduced in a story.  For example, introducing a character early in the story, and creating conflict/angst with their appearance, but by the end of the story that character has never come back into the narrative. Readers that immerse themselves into the story will be the ones that find those plot holes… then they often question… is this intentionally created and will be concluded in a later book in the series or was this an oversight for the author.  This is something that you, as an author, need to think about, and a good editor will help you with this.  Is a plot hole actually a plot hole, or is in a working plot bunny that will draw readers in for more? 

What is a plot bunny, you ask?

A plot bunny comes from the notion that the idea will constantly gnaw at your brain until you write it.  Often times, plot bunnies are happy accidents that authors can cultivate once established.  Plot bunnies themselves can be a useful tool as long as they are used in the right way.

Now comes the answer to the question… how to avoid the plot hole?

The best way to do this is to hire a developmental editor that will read your story thoroughly with the mindset of looking for inconsistencies and irregularities in the story. The developmental editor wants your story to flow, and for your characters stories and backgrounds to stay stable. You don’t want the absent father who wanted no relationship with the kids and can’t be found suddenly have a girlfriend with kids and talking about custody agreements. The editors will help clear up these deviations and allow you to clean up the storylines to create unwavering character arcs.