To have a plan to plot

Plotting vs Planning aren’t they the same thing?   Planning the act or process of making or carrying out plans specifically: the establishment of goals.    Plotting devises, the sequence of events.    Often, […]

Storming with Ideas

The power and purpose of Brainstorming Storm clouds and words falling from them.  The electricity of an idea taking shape and magically appearing on a paper. This is what brainstorming […]

Plot Holes and Plot Bunnies

What is a plot hole and how to avoid them… By definition a plot hole is an inconsistency in the narrative or character development of a book, film, television show, etc. Plot holes are often created unintentionally, often as a result […]

Troping a Work

TROPE: (noun) a convention or device that establishes a predictable or stereotypical representation of a character, setting, or scenario in a creative work. Romance books often have a main trope […]